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Welcome to Piek a Dietitian

Making the healthy choice the easy choice

Welcome to Piek a Dietitian, a unique blog here for you to explore. Piek a Dietitian provides you with Health and Nutrition Blogs, rooted in evidence. Read on, and enjoy.

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Home: Welcome

'n Kakamas Staaltjie #2

'n Bietjie suikerwater en ‘n maxalon naar pilletjie het my nou die dag van die grond af opgetel en my nuwe krag gegee vir die res van die...

'n Kakamas Staaltjie #1

Ek het vreeslik uitgesien om hierdie jaar my beroep in my moedertaal te beoefen. Maar, na 4 jaar se studies in Engels was ek tog effens...

My Comserve Experience

“Flexibility is key” I remember doing a “personality test” during my dietetics studies that pointed out that I’m as flexible as a rock,...

Meet the Dietitian

Hello! I am Leandré Piek, a Registered Community Service Dietitian at Kakamas Hospital in the Northern Cape. 🏥 I started...

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